How To Stop A Panic Attack

Have you ever felt like you were going to die out of nowhere?

Has your heart started pounding, your hands shake, and you feel like you can't breathe for no reason at all?

Have you been driving down the road and all of a sudden it feels like there is impending doom?

Yeah, me too. 

It's a panic attack, and it's literally the worst feeling on Earth.  I felt totally paralyzed by panic attacks until I understood what why I was getting them and how to stop them from happening.  

In this video, I explain to you what's happening in your body during a panic attack, why it happens, and how to stop them.

EFT Script for Stopping A Panic Attack

Even though this feels so scary, my body is doing something very natural and normal.

Even though I feel like I’m going to die, it’s just a feeling and it will pass.

I am not dying.  I am safe.

Even though my heart is pounding and I feel like I can’t breathe, I’m not in danger.

My adrenaline is pumping and my primitive brain thinks something is wrong. 

But, I am safe.

I now look to my body.  I feel my legs and arms and toes. 

I feel my feet.  My feet are safe.  They are sturdy on the ground.

I now slowly look from side to side.  My surroundings are safe.

My body is safe.  My surroundings are safe.

This is just a feeling, nothing else.

This is old trauma that was frozen in my body and now it’s ready to be released.

So, I’m releasing it now from my body, mind, and spirit.

My cells release all the stress and fear and panic.

I clear my mind of scary thoughts and ground myself in this moment. 

It’s safe to relax.

It’s safe for me to thrive in this moment.

I am safe with myself.  I am safe in my body.  I am at home in my body.

It’s ok to feel scared sometimes, but it doesn’t mean anything is actually wrong.

My emotions are just emotions – like passing clouds in the sky.

Life loves me. 

The world is a happy, safe, and fun place to be.

I have total clarity on what is best for me.

I move beyond all fear and see the love that I am.

I see the love and beauty and simplicity in each moment.

I am slowing down, smiling, and finding beauty, love, and joy in everything and everyone I see today – including myself. 

I rest in the ocean of love that is available to me in every moment. 


Additional Resources

Keys To Calm 

Healing Anxiety Masterclass


Are Your Mystery Health Symptoms Just Anxiety?


how to heal yourself