Should you be paleo or vegan? here is your answer…

I have tried every single diet out there, have you? From paleo, to vegan, to raw, to Whole30, to keto, to AIP (and on and on and on...), is it any wonder that none of us know how to eat anymore?

How did something so simple become so complicated?

I spent 10 years of my life jumping from one healing diet to the next, trying to figure out what would heal me once and for all.

I had anxiety, panic attacks, inflammation, digestive issues, headaches, dizziness, and I felt completely overwhelmed and stressed 24/7.

I blamed food. A lot.

Every health book I read said that food was to blame. Gluten, dairy, sugar, meat, not enough meat, fat, too much fat, cooked food, raw food, corn, soy, etc.

I was stressed about EVERYTHING I put in my mouth.

My health declined.

Luckily, one day I WOKE UP from the fog of food stress and realized it was never about the food.

The STRESS around food was making me sick, not the food.

Now I practice intuitive eating. And it's radically changed my life. I'm no longer stressed about food.

I listen deeply to my body's cues. I trust myself around food now.

My body knows whats best for me. Your body knows whats best for you.

If you are sick of stressing about every morsel of food you put in your mouth.

If you are sick of jumping from diet to diet.

If you are sick of spending your life reading health books.

If you are sick of blaming food for all of your problems.

If you want to enjoy food again.

If you want to enjoy your LIFE again.

If you want to have a better relationship with your body and appetite....


Put down the diet book, take a deep breath, get some fresh air, shake it off, and read Intuitive Eating.

So, should you be paleo or vegan?  The answer is, it's up to you.  If you really enjoy eating a certain way and it feels like something you WANT to do for the rest of your life and you aren't missing out on anything, GO FOR IT.  But, if you know that you can't do it for the rest of your life, please please know that you are under NO obligation to go on any type of diet.  There is so much more to life than food.  

CLICK HERE to get your copy of Intuitive Eating.


Joy heals our bodies quicker than food does.


Additional Resources:

How To Feel Better When You've Tried Everything (and STILL feel like crap!)

Can You Be Healthy Without Restricting Your Diet?

How To Stop A Panic Attack in 2 Minutes

How To Not Feel Stressed About Food


Anxiety and Depression: Is your gut the key?


An Open letter to self help junkies