Let's Get OUT of Low-Vibe Emotions!

Emotions have vibrational frequency. And you have a choice about how long you experience them.

If you’re like many people, you may go through life feeling victimized by your emotions.

Researchers have explored the fact that many--if not most--physical diseases have roots in “stuck” negative emotional energies.  This is exactly what I do with my clients - release these stuck emotions!  CLICK here to learn more about The Emotion Code. 

Keeping emotions flowing through us is key to good physical and emotional health. In fact, physical and emotional health really cannot be separated.

Our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual “bodies” are so integrated, you can’t pry them apart from each other.

My friend, Robyn Openshaw’s fantastic new book, Vibe, explores how “stuck” negative energies actually create blockages to our ability to experience some of the most beautiful, authentic transactions in relationships with others.

It’s not that having negative emotions will kill you. We all encounter rejection, failure, and illness in our lives.

However, the healthiest among us let emotions flow through, without resistance, judgment, or over-attachment.

The sickest among us, according to many researchers, have thick, “stuck” energies that they relive, day after day, long after the tragic or negative event has passed.

These frequencies can take the form of negative self-talk, that plays “on a loop,” bringing us down every day. Or they can take physical forms as clusters of cells or organs malfunctioning, begging us to address the imbalance.

Is it possible that you’ve got some energetic blocks related to anger, shame, resentment, and a lifetime of being let down by other people--that is keeping you from having high-vibration relationships?

And bigger and better opportunities?

And even better health?

One of the principles of quantum physics explored in this revolutionary book, Vibe, is that “like attracts like.”

When you are oscillating at higher frequencies, you’re very literally “attracting” high-frequency people, opportunities, and emotional states.

What if disease and pain states like fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or even Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) are worsened or even caused by stuck emotional energies, trapped in old proteins, holding us back?

Another topic in the book is high-vibration and low-vibration emotional states.

The highest-frequency emotions are gratitude, peace, love, and creative flow. The HeartMath Institute has done decades of phenomenal research on how your vibrational frequencies when you’re in gratitude or love—or fear or anger—are reflected in your EEG or our ECG readings!

For instance, your brain waves, while deep in the high-frequency feeling of gratitude, look like they feel: smooth, consistent, and flowing.

When you’re angry, your EEG charts your brain waves looking exactly like they feel: sharp, small, pointed, and thick.

If that isn’t blowing your mind, how about this...

The HeartMath Institute has proven that your heart emanations of gratitude can be picked up on my brainwaves, using an EEG, if we’re in a room together—even if we aren’t looking at each other, or talking to each other!

Vibe explores this idea and many more. In fact, just to make it very actionable, you’ll go through an easy exercise to identify how often you’re experiencing high-vibe emotional states. The point is to help you develop mindfulness, and then use some powerful, easy hacks to tap into those vibrations more often.

You’ll also learn to recognize low-vibe states of feeling, and release those energies in a variety of easy ways.

Including a way to metabolize, reframe, and release any negative emotion, in just 90 seconds.

There’s a great exercise in the book to break down the patterns that hijack your mood and take you to low places.

These low-frequency emotional states include shame, anger, fear, depression, and resistance.

(Here’s the good news: living in fear, depression, anxiety, or resentment towards others is optional.)

I’m sure that you, like me, have had your share of challenges in life.

For me, I struggled with anxiety and health issues for years.  I tried every healing diet, supplement, superfood, and read every health book on the market.  But, guess what?  It wasn't my diet that was keeping me sick, it was my EMOTIONS.  

I bet YOU have some stories of struggles too, am I right?

And the difference between happy and unhappy people is not whether bad things have happened to them or not.

In fact, some of the most content and peaceful people in the world are the ones who have been to hell and back.

Find out where you’re at, how often you’re in the high vibrations (or the low ones).

And if you’re not experiencing peace, flow, gratitude, and joy on a regular basis, this revolutionary new book, Vibe, helps you transition you out of that.

What I really want is for you to be able to “unlock” some of the most beautiful energies available to you. They’re everywhere. They are flowing in the Universe.

And if you’re not feeling them, if you aren’t able to peacefully return to a better place when something crappy happens in your day, let’s get some work done.

Make sure you pick up a copy of Robyn’s new book, Vibe. Robyn sends you some incredible freebies when you order it.

The book isn’t just about how to assess foods and medicines, related to energetic frequencies--and how they’re impacting your sustainable energy.

It’s also about how to metabolize and release the negatives--in the actual events of your life.

Vibe shows you how they make their way into your emotional life as well. And get things turning around. Dozens of micro-choices you make, in any given day, affect your vibrational energy field.

I’m so excited to have been asked to be one of the early reviewers of this book, before it published. It brings “Einsteinian quantum” thinking to not just health and nutrition, but psychology and personal growth, too.

I interviewed Robyn about her new book.  In the interview, she gives us some amazing tips on how to heal negative emotions and thrive as a sensitive/empathic person.  Check that out here!


Additional Resources:

Free Masterclass: How To Create Radiant Health, Effortless Joy, and Lasting Energy in Just Minutes a day!

How To Feel Better When You've Tried Everything (and still feel like crap!)

Are Your Mystery Health Symptoms Just Anxiety?

How To Not Feel Stressed About Food


An Open letter to self help junkies


Heal Negative Emotions + Thrive as a Sensitive Person