2 Patterns of Thinking That Create Disease

Your Patterns of Thinking Either Create Health or Disease

I remember when I was sick, and desperately searching for answers.  I tried every diet.  My linen closet was over taken with expensive supplements that didn’t seem to help much.  Our bank account drained from all the books I was buying, practitioners I was seeing, among other things.  Deep down I knew I wasn’t destined to be a sick person.  That just wasn’t me.  I use to have so much fun.  I loved life.  I use to be happy and free from any worry about my health.

I found myself stuck on the couch, researching and hoping to just FIND THE ANSWER.

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On that journey, I started finding a lot of books and experts saying that I needed to release stress and change my thoughts.  Really?  I can just THINK myself out of an auto-immune disease?  I could THINK myself out of fatigue?  Anxiety?  Stress?  Right.  I figured, I would worry about the woo-woo stuff and my thoughts when I feel better.  Right now, I’ve got a disease to reverse.  I didn’t think there was any possible way to heal my body with my thoughts.  So, I kept on doing what I had been doing for the past 8 years - changing my diet, upping supplements, reading, researching, stressing, hoping things would just shift.  


When you do what you've always done, you will continue to get what you've always gotten.  My health didn't improve.  


I got to this point of rock bottom desperation that made me crack open in a way I never imagined.  I didn’t care how woo-woo this stuff was anymore.  I needed to get better, and I was willing to do whatever it took.


So began the journey


I started working regularly with an energy medicine practitioner (doing much of the same work I do now for clients).  I put affirmations up on my bathroom mirror.  I started thinking and acting like I was already better.  I did small things every day that made me feel happy – going for walks, dancing with my kids, spending intentional time with friends and my husband. 

Slowly, I was letting go of the wall of rules I had built up around myself to support illness. 


2 Main Patterns of Thinking That Create Disease

Here are 2 of the main thoughts I had built into my life that supported illness.  These were core beliefs that I was basing my life around.  Which kept me stuck, no matter how great my diet was or how many supplements I took or how much I exercised. 


1.      There is something wrong with me.  FYI, this is a huge lie.  One that is, unfortunately, underlying most of the alternative health world right now.  Marketing makes us think that there is something wrong with us that needs fixing – if that’s the cover of Cosmo magazine telling you how to lose a dress size in a week, or a high profile alternative health guru selling a supplement, diet, or product.  The underlying message is still there same.  There is something wrong with you, and you need to do something about it.  It’s a lie.  If we fall trap to it, it can take you down a long dark rabbit hole of illness.  Trust me, I've done it.


2.     I’m not good enough.  Another big lie that undermines our health, happiness, and vitality.  You ARE good enough.  Simple as that.  Believe it, and surround yourself with people who support that idea too.  If not, your life is going to feel like one shortcoming after another.  You are worthy of thriving health.  You are worthy of joy, and laughter, and community, and success.  Joy is your divine birthright.  Period. 


It doesn’t matter when or where or why I started believing these negative affirmations.  But, somewhere along the journey, I started to internalize that there was indeed something wrong with me.  I mean, why else wouldn’t the miracle diets and supplements not be working for me?  I thought there was some mystery I needed to solve about my health.


Actually, all I had to do was to start thinking, believing, and acting like there was NOTHING wrong with me. 

Within 3 months, after 8 years of being sick, it was all gone.  Change your thoughts and your life will change.


To hear more about how I changed my belief systems and how it impacted my life, check out this video I posted on Facebook.  

While you're at it, add yourself to my private Facebook community.  It's a great place to connect with me personally, ask questions, and get support on your healing journey.  


This blog is a labor of love.  My mission is to empower masses of people with transformative mind-body tools, so that we can heal the world.  If this article touched you, or you know someone who may benefit from reading it, please share it by using the Social Buttons below.


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